In Case of an Emergency If you have a life-threatening emergency with your pet, please call Cornell Hospital for Pets (607-253-3060) or one of the local veterinary hospitals. If you are an established client, or are referred by another veterinarian, you may call my cell phone (607-279-7993). I may be unable to answer immediately, but will be able to receive your message when not in my office. Please leave a voice message, speak slowly, and make sure your preferred telephone number(s) are available (not Restricted). I will return your call as soon as possible. Note that I am sometimes traveling in a "dead zone," where cellular service is unreliable, or may be involved in a veterinary procedure. If you have not heard back from me within 20 minutes, and have a truly urgent situation, try phoning a second time, and/or call one of the local veterinary hospitals. |
Address Ithaca Veterinary Housecall Services102 Homestead Terrace Ithaca , NY 14850 US
Phone : (607)277-9037 |